Monday, February 16, 2009

What Is Love

The other day, I saw a couple going on the road holding hands, oblivious of the world around them. They just seemed to be so engrossed in one another that they hardly cared where they were or how many eyes were watching them. And then a thought just crossed my mind. Is this what love is all. Is this what poets and novelists have written so much about? Is this what turns people’s lives into a heavenly bliss. And then I answered my own questions. Yes this was what has inspired beautiful poetry, and romantic tales. This is what makes the world go.

If you have never experienced being in love, you might wonder what binds people who fall in love. It is not just an emotion that surges up their hormones. It is the feeling of becoming complete in somebody’s company. It is the freedom of being your real self and being accepted and appreciated for that.It is the fun of experiencing some part of every relationship in this one strong bond. It is the tutor who teaches you tolerance, patience and forgiveness. It is the friend who remains with you every time and everywhere, bringing brightness into even the darkest corners of your heart.

So open your hearts and let the fragrance of love blossom your crushed emotions. Give yourself the best gift that you can get. Free yourself from inhibitions and see the world changing in front of you. Don’t shy away from the most wonderful feeling of all, that God has bestowed us with. Love does not hurt, it never causes pain but the condition is that you have to be selfless. Only if you become selfish, will you experience the traumatic side of love. So give yourself just one chance to get out from your frog well and welcome a new dawn with open arms and open minds!


  1. nice thoughts Meetu Ma'am.... very well written.
    I think LOVE is the only one relationship which helps us to face the difficulties of life smoothly. i mean, when you know someone is there to back you, you never need to think again while taking any decision or putting a step forward! That love doesn't mean your BF/GF's.... it can also b the care of a mama n love of a bro, i guess!

  2. Thanks RD. And you are absolutely right, love can be for anyone and parents love is something which is eternal and cannot be expressed in words. Continue commenting as your comments help me improve.
