Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who Am I?

Facing my reflection, in the mirror,
I often think and ask myself,
Who am I?

Am I just a daughter, a wife, a mother?
Am I just what my duties make me?
Am I here to make a sacrifice every time?
Where do I stand as a person?
Who cares for my emotions?
Who Am I?

Then some little voice within me answers
A voice that has been mellowed down
A voice I am barely able to hear
It answers not only my musing
It also answers all my fears.

You are all these and more, it says
You are the one who makes them.
Your strength and courage moulds them
Your sacrifice nurtures them
You give them happiness and peace
So don’t worry, just be at ease.

You are a woman who loves and cares
And that my dear is all you should care
For God has found you to be very special
So that is why you are here!!!

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